An American Writer's Thoughts on Japanese Animation

The Clothes Make the Waifu – Tsugumomo Spoiler Review

So, I think Tsukumogami are a sort of interesting subject. Surprising probably no one, in addition to anime itself I kind of have an interest in the culture and folklore of various regions, including Japan. For those who might not be aware, a Tsukumogami is a sort of supernatural being (usually a sort termed a Yokai, but not always) that is, in essence, the spirit of an artificial item.

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“Twenty-four! Ah-ah-ah! Twenty-four Episodes of this!” – Plunderer Spoiler Review

Anime has a lot of premises that are pretty odd, doesn’t it? Concepts you just sort of have to roll with in order to even start the show, no matter how insane or weird they may appear. The pantheon of weird core ideas includes both epic shows and epic misfires so this is no particular indicator of quality, but Plunderer has got to have one of the strangest setups I’ve seen in quite some time.

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A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Where There Is Only War – Armored Trooper Votoms Spoiler Review

Sometimes I feel like I don’t crack into enough vintage anime on this blog. Before streaming, before DVR, the industry for basically all things television was a different place, and that includes the anime industry as well. I’ve touched on 90’s shows before like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Record of Lodoss War, but I haven’t really taken a deep dive into a show that old that often.

Well, seeing as it’s Mecha March and I’m fresh out of model kit anime to assemble, let’s work to course correct that just a little bit with the 1983 vintage Mecha anime, Armored Trooper Votoms.

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The STL of a Double Feature – Gundam Build Divers & Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE Spoiler Reviews

I love model kits. I have made no secret of that this month, and will probably be happily assembling various mechas and mecha musume into the future. I also happen to have a fondness, from the days when I consumed more Western media, for a little cult classic of a film called Tron. For those who know Tron is – I would say – a delightfully dated little adventure that tries to show what goes on deep inside a computer realm, with some very memorable visuals and basic conceits and characters, it can kind of be considered the granddaddy of the “Trapped in a video game” genre that underscores a lot of the “VR MMO” stories you see these days when, you know, MMOs exist and VR doesn’t seem equally implausible compared to digitizing a person’s entire physical existence.

Naturally, where all this is going is Gundam Build Divers. Along with its sequel, Re:RISE, Divers takes the Gundam Build idea and translates it into cyberspace, and we’re going to be looking at it as a double feature this week.

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